Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hangin out with my Lil' Sister

Hangin out with my Lil' Sister

The best part about having your family around is hangin out with them. After the wedding, we took my little sister to a freinds house to ride her horse. She has three horses. One is Rowdy, he tends to be a bit hard to handle at times. Then, there is Ema, she is a Painted. Ema has had a hard life so she tends to be a bit skiddish. The third is Amira. Amira is an arabian with the typical arabian co
lor paterns. She is a great horse . She is a bit hyper witch is a typical trate of an arabian horse. They love to run and jump. The great thing about Amira is when a child or young person climbs up she is very calm and walks slowly and smooth. This makes her a great horse for young first time riders. She listens very well and follows directions well. We decided she would be great for Makala my little sister and Kayla my daughter to ride. Now my freinds can be as redneck as it gets from the horses to the chickens to the line used durring the ride "If you haven't been in a horse poop war then you havn't been to the country". I laughed untill we ended up in just that a horse poop war now it seems very gross but not nearly, horse poop is mostly hay and alfalfa.

way we had a blast.

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